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Council 3
The Third Ray of Active Intelligence
.Fire by Friction.

This Council governs business, quantum leaps, jumps and jiggles,
UFOs, mental alignment, society, and the organized professional societies,
such as
Business, Physiology, the Galactic Fleet, Sociology, Civil Law
which are classified under the White Unicorn title: Intelligentsia

This column is primarily presented in Starship and Physiological formats



The Third Council expresses itself through the energy of rotary motion, which is caused by the fire latent in matter itself.

This fire causes the atom to revolve, and through the subsequent momentum, it then repulses other atoms. It is therefore the basis of diversity, of separation, and of individuality. This action is known as Fire by Friction.

Rotary motion is inherent throughout the holographic matrix - atoms, planets, solar systems, and galaxies all revolve and rotate, and within their perimeters we find an overwhelming variety of individualized differentiation.

. . . .


Council number 3 is governed by the third ray of Active Intelligence.

This ray displays an emerald green color as it descends through the causal aura onto the crown of the head in those who incarnate under its influence.

The ashrams of the third council give rise to ideas that benefit humanity. They allow for the regulation of time and activities in order to permit group energies to grow.

Ideally, this is inherent, objective intelligence - ready to be used in service in all ways.

Among individuals, this is a common ray. It gives rise to people who are capable of being representatives of God the Business Man.

This Council is expressed in symbols and terms appropriate to Neurocircuitry and
the Galactic Federation of Light Forces.

The first four ashrams (cubits) in this column are aspects of the
eighth, Quantum, neurocircuit, which exhibits non-rational (supra-mental) experiences, such as extraterrestrial contact, starships, instant healing,
and other "miracles."

In governmental terms, this ray represents the Legislators,
the Ministers and Senators.

The ceremonial structure of the legislature is found under the seventh ray,
but the lawmaker is expressing the third ray.


The following 3.0 is not a cubit.
This sub-band details the senior Logoic Officers of the Planetary Hierarchy

3.0 . Ain Soph Aur . . . The Mahachohan

The leader of the 3rd Council holds the title of The Mahachohan, and is known as The Lord of Civilization.

Historically, this position was said to be held by a Venusian Lord, who was the last of the extraterrestrials that originally formed our planetary hierarchy.

Within the past century, it is said that the European Master, the Count of Saint Germain, assumed this exalted position to complete the human staffing of the White Brotherhood.

Awareness of Potential Glamour
.All names assigned to any of these lofty positions are indicative and personified, but not necessarily the truth of the matter.
.It is the state that these luminaries are associated with that matters. The names and personalities are subject to glamour.


.Only the first three rays have officers on the Logoic plane. . . . . .

There is no personalization further right on this level.

3.1 Singularity . . . Above, Beyond, and Within

.Before incarnation, there is the realm of the Logos (the "knower").

After incarnation, there is still the realm of the Logos,
but sometimes it's hard to find.

This ashram is the primordial consciousness known as the Adi
(Adi Buddha).

Within the Black Hole of Nothingness, there is a Singularity that is "the flame that burns in every heart of man, and in the core of every star," as Liber AL so eloquently describes it.

This flame cannot be "known" by normal human consciousness.

Further on down the (expanding) magical Path of Manifestation, Nothing expresses itself as yin and yang.
.See cubit 3.2, below.

Adi-Buddha is the "Primordial Buddha," or origin of all the Buddhas.
Adi-Buddha is a self-emanating, self-originating Buddha, present before anything else existed.


Adi Buddha may be compared with Brahma,
although he is not the creator.




. see: "Adi Buddha"
see also: "Vajradhara"
see also: Ain Soph Aur




. In order to fulfill the goal of this ashram ...

Realize I Am, but nothing else.

This cubit 3.1, Singularity, must equilibrate with 5.7, The Scientist.
This will connect
Circuit 3.1/5.7,
wherein the Logos informs the Inventor.
.This is the art of doing without effort.



3.2 Superstring ..... Oscillation in Ten Dimensions

.This ashram is the Administrative Section of The Galactic Federation.

.It is symbolized by the Tai Chi emblem.

Upon the (inward) mystical Path of Return, yin and yang merge into Nothing.
.See cubit 3.1, above

Upon the (outward) magical Path of Creation, yin and yang manifest as a Line
.See cubit 3.3, below

This is Kether, and it is here that the Mothership is based ...
in a realm without dimensions.

The Singularity (3.1) extends itself here as an oscillating String in ten dimensions, bringing (vibrating) the spheres of the Tree of Life into potential manifestation.




. see: Quantum physics
see also: The Tree of Life
see also: Mothership




. In order to fulfill the goal of this ashram ...

Entertain thoughts, words, and deeds that benefit civilization
with a stable, spiritual, synchronized, planetary system.
.Attempted application of this cubit to enslavement and personal profit is the basis of the BORG.

This cubit 3.2, The String, must equilibrate with 5.6, QBL.
This will connect
Circuit 3.2/5.6,
wherein the Divine Plan is reflected in common, personal memory systems.
.This is the basis of true clairvoyance.



3.3 The Line. . . . . . Alignment to Atma

The Line first appears in Ain Soph as the "remains of Nirvana," in the realm of the Nirmanakaya. It reappears, reconfigured, in this ashram.

In this cubit, The Line is the instrument of alignment between Adi (primordial consciousness),
Atma (the Universal Self),
and the human mind.

In the realm of the lower self, The Line presents as the hara-line, which governs vitality and individual variation in the perception of "reality."
.See cubits 3.5 & 3.6, below

In ancient times, yang (Chokmah) was represented by the Chinese as an unbroken line

In our modern times, alignment with Atma tends to produce visions of Starships.

This is the Operations Deck.

Every man and every woman is a Starship.




. see: Superstring Theory
see also: "Pushpak"
see also: "Vimana"




. In order to fulfill the goal of this ashram ...

Assume the form of a scout ship that can communicate with the Mothership.

This cubit 3.3, the Line, must equilibrate with 5.5, the Radio.
This will connect
Circuit 3.3/5.5,
wherein the higher dimensions are perceived by the abstract mind.
.This is the basis of true clairaudience.


3.4 The Quantum Circuit . . . Transition

This is the eighth neurocircuit. No biological container is required. No mind is required.

The Quantum circuit is attributed to all ashrams
from here up to cubit 3.1.

Here, along with aliens and UFOs, we find the concepts and experiences of instant healing and spontaneous illumination.

These experiences may occur within a 100% out-of-the-body (OOB) experience,
which be induced through meditation, medicinal libation, or a "clinical-death" episode.


This is the Observation Deck.




. see: "Near-death experience"
see also: UFO
see also: Binah




. In order to fulfill the goal of this ashram ...

Allow transition from one reality to another.

This cubit 3.4, Quantum, must equilibrate with 5.4, Squelch.
This will connect
Circuit 3.4/5.4,
wherein transition is possible due to suppression of the mind.
.This is the concept of teleportation.


3.5 The Complex . . . Mental Order and Disorder

This ashram is complicated, due to the diversity of the Mind.
It has the longest description of any cubit.

This is the causal plane, the realm of the higher, abstract mind, which has three aspects (Tiphareth, Geburah, Chesed):

. . The Holistic neurocircuit

. . The Electric neurocircuit

. . The Akashic neurocircuit.



The Abstract Mind
The Holistic Neurocircuit

The fifth neuro-programming-zone is known as the Holistic circuit.

This circuit bestows harmony, which is actually based on a blurring of the boundary between the lower mind and the higher mind.
.Mystically, the Veil of Paroketh is partially or completely opened.

This circuit, or neural mode of awareness, is activated by romantic love, pranayama (breathing exercises), dhyana (meditation), zero-gravity, a flotation tank, extensive intense physical activity, cannabis intoxication, and many other similar hedonistic practices.

It is typified by a "floating" feeling, a sense of being "high."

Your feet are not even touching the ground.


This is where the individual has a chat with the Holy Guardian Angel





The Abstract) Mind
The Electric Neurocircuit

The Electric, Metaprogramming circuit is devoted to the overriding and modification of pre-programmed consciousness.

Programmed consciousness will remain unchanged throughout a person's lifetime ... unless altered by some form of Metaprogramming.

There are other terms that define this procedure, but the concept remains the same.

Unchanged reality is sometimes defined as being "stuck in a rut."

This is the sixth neuro-circuit - it involves the construction of a new reality tunnel.
This has
also been called a "Paradigm Shift."

The techniques of this powerful circuit involve
telepathy, amorality, and practical magic.
.When interfacing with normal humanity,
care must be taken to display these concepts
with a generous sense of humor.

Nothing can be changed without modifying our viewpoint,
Assemblage Point., of Reality.

Straighten up your Hara line.
Move your Assemblage Point - Change the World!

. . . .


The Abstract) Mind
The Akashic Neurocircuit

This is the ancestral (genetic) memory of everything that has ever happened, is happening, or will happen in future space-time.

The seventh, Akashic, neurocircuit confers the ability to work along specific evolutionary lines with "memory."

This ashram offers visions, concepts and experiences,
brought to us courtesy of karmatic synchronicity
and its relationship with the akashic records.




. . .




. see: Causal plane
see also: Solar Angel
see also: Transfiguration




. In order to fulfill the goal of this ashram ...

Align abstract perception with the realities of the world.

This cubit 3.5, The Complex, must equilibrate with 5.3, Radioactivity.
This will connect
Circuit 3.5/5.3,
wherein alignment with reality results in subatomic power.
.This is the basis of practical magic.



3.6 The Territory . . . Manipulating the Gameboard

This ashram deals with mechanical, semantic, cultural, and territorial dominance or passiveness. This is the personality with which we deal with other people.

Here we find the lower mental plane, combined with the astral plane, which has three aspects (Netzach, Hod, Yesod):

. . The Limbic circuit

. . The Social circuit

. . YThe Territorial circuit.



The Lower (Concrete) Mind
The Manual - Verbal Neurocircuit

This is the Personality

Manual Dexterity and Verbal Expression are both governed by the third neurological circuit.

Our abilities in these dexterity-speech matters were imprinted when we were in the "monkey" stage - that is, when we first began to move around with curiosity and started to talk and to grasp objects. We don't usually remember much of that.

Our experiences during that stage determine our ability (or disability) to manipulate words or tools, so that wemight (hopefully) improve and enlarge our view of reality.

There is significant variation here. Some people are good with both their verbal expression and their manual dexterity. Some are great with their speech, but are "klutzes" with their hands. Some have problems in speaking, but are "wizards" with their ability to manipulate physical objects. Finally, a few cannot verbally express themselves and are also unable to fix anything.

Limbic system imprints cause one to assume a "bright" or "dull" ability to verbally express, learn time-space routines, and/or to manually operate human artifacts.

This imprint is enhanced by caffeine, a high protein diet, and/or pharmaceutical stimulants.
.Addiction to high-potency stimulants is disastrous to the spiritual path.

This ashram is filled with Lawyers, Business people, Bankers, Brokers,
Burglars, Software Programmers, Hackers, Con Men, and Craftsmen.


.The Subconscious Social Mind
The Social, Sexual, Cultural Neurocircuit

The socio-sexual consciousness is conditioned by tribal taboos and social customs.

Religious organizations aggressively seek to program this circuit in children,
especially around the ages of 11-13.

Triggered by the neurochemical hormones of puberty, this fourth neurocircuit establishes a "respectable" or an "outlaw" stance in relation to social customs.

In order to avoid conflict, one is expected to maintain social interaction and sexual behavior within contemporary civil law, common customs, and prescribed moral behavior.

Because if you don't ... it isn't very pretty what a society without pity will do.

This cultural bias is imprinted at a subconscious level, and coming to balanced terms with it is the hardest task upon the Path.

Note that various cultures differ widely. In Ancient Aegypt, one was expected to marry one's sister. In Altruistic America, such activity will see you installed in a jail cell. The only factor that remains constant amongst all cultures is that they each have some sort of rigid regulations governing socio-sexual behavior.


. . . . . .
.The Emotional Nature.
The Territorial Neurocircuit

Emotional imprints cause us to assume a dominant or a passive attitude in relation to others.

This emotional-astral imprinting took place when we reached the "toddler" stage, that is, when we first stood upright and began to walk.

This is the second neurocircuit - The major, underlying concern of the emotional consciousness is to acquire or relinquish territory or status (emotional territory).

The emotional attitude can be read in body language and voice tones.

The emotional position of the ego is enhanced by alcohol.



. . . . .




.For any subject whatsoever
: Dictionaries & Encyclopedias (books)
see also: Wikipedia (www)




. In order to fulfill the goal of this ashram ...

Align the personality and lean back into samadhi.

This cubit 3.6, The Territory, must equilibrate with 5.2, The Unified Field.
This will connect
Circuit 3.6/5.2,
wherein various practices lead to an appreciation of the whole.
.This is the process that starts by taking a deep breath.



3.7 The Survivor . . . Gimme Money!

The goal of this ashram is survival, which essentially means obtaining nourishment and avoiding death.

In modern times, this is accomplished by accumulating money, for money is the key to contemporary survival.

This ashram deals with the first neurocircuit - Moving forward toward that which is nourishing, and backing away from that which is threatening.

Two primary systems attempt to reprogram this physical-body imprint. One is some forms of Psychology, the other is Martial Arts.

This ashram is home to everyone who works for a living, or who has to work at surviving,
through the application of intelligence onto the physical plane.

The physical imprint is sedated by sedatives, tranquilizers, opium derivatives, and (interestingly) massage.




. see: Manual and Mental Labor
see also: White Collar Worker
see also: Self-defense
see also: Opium den





. In order to fulfill the goal of this ashram ...

Align the personality and expand into samadhi.

This cubit 3.7, Survival, must equilibrate with 5.1, The Architect.
This will connect
Circuit 3.7/5.1,
wherein one stays alive in order to build according to cosmic design.
.This is the surrender of personal possessions unto the Great Work.




The third ray gives rise to Chaldean,
Assyrian, Babylonian structures
.These people were into BIG


.The Ziggurat of Ur.

Architectural . Sub-level . . . .


.Go to the Fourth Ray.




