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Do What Thou Wilt
Council 1
. The First Ray of Will and Power .
.The Whole of the Law.

This Council governs Will, executive politics, armed forces, monarchies, cops,
and the organized administrative societies, such as
Shamballa, the Galactic Federation, Shaivism, Knightly Orders, Budo,
which are classified under the White Unicorn title: Dominion

This column is primarily presented in a Chain-of-Command format



The Will concept is fairly simple: You come from infinity into time-space with a unique job description already engraved on your spiritual aura. Everything you are to become, your destiny, is prescribed upon this rarified energy field.

Of course, as soon as you are born, you get lost in the external, illusionary, holographic, space-time matrix.

Until, one day, you finally suspect that something is missing and you have to ask yourself, "Who am I ?" (... and "What am I supposed to be doing?")

Then, Synchronicity and the Attractive Principle work together to put you into a situation where your original Blueprint can be consciously developed to its maximum potential.

Getting back to your original job description is called "Doing the Great Work."
Performing that job description is called, "Doing God's Will."
These are essentially the same thing.

Life is a game of Virtual Reality.
In every adventure, you win or lose in the game of Higher Consciousness.

There are no higher stakes; there is no other Game.


Council number One is governed by the first ray of Will and Power. This is a creative ray, thus its initial effect is destructive - for the old forms must first be cleared away before new structures may arise.

This ray displays the patriotic colors red, white and blue as they descend through the causal aura onto the crown of the head in those who incarnate under its influence.

These three colors are found on the flags of many nations:

The three colors need to be balanced if one is to avoid fanaticism.
For example, too much red (the common imbalance) produces an over-destructive, draconian dictator.

Among individuals, this is a relatively rare manifestation. But it does appear in many political leaders, corporate executives, conquerors, dictators, and military geniuses.

The following 1.0 is not a cubit.
This sub-band details the senior Logoic Officers of the Planetary Hierarchy

1.0 . Ain Soph Aur . . . The Manu

...The leader of the 1st Council holds the title of Manu. He is the guardian of the prototype of the human form. At this time, it is said by Theosophists and the Arcane School to be held by the Master Morya (El Morya).

Don Juan described the "mold of man," which is the highest form of an etheric, electro-magnetic "Blueprint" upon which all human forms are based ... before individual racial and tribal (DNA) differences are induced.

.All names assigned to any of these lofty positions are indicative and personified, but not necessarily the truth of the matter.
.It is the state that these luminaries are associated with that matters. The names and personalities are subject to glamour.


In her work,
Caves and Jungles of Hindustan, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky described an adept called Gulab-Singh as the chief sponsor and primary companion of the Theosophical Society founders in their Indian travels. Gulab-Singh was a real person who was born in 1792, and died in 1857.

He was a member of the Hindu military caste and the first Maharajah of the State of Kashmir. In a letter, Blavatsky later identified Gulab-Singh as Morya.

So don't believe glamorous names,
unless you meet the dudes yourself


Since government, in almost any form, is set up in order to regulate its people, this dominant first ray empowers The Establishment, especially the executive branch and the affiliated armed forces, right down to municipal police departments, border patrol, and correctional officers.


1.1 The Point . . . The Dimensionless Ains - Nataraja

This primary ashram compliments Concept 0.0 - The Void, which is Nothing; whereas here, "The Point" is something, although it has no dimensions, and it is not extended in any direction.

.0.0 = 1.1

The Chinese call it

The Geeks call it Binary Code


A Vision of Shamballa, the Etheric City




This is the ashram of Shiva the Destroyer - He acts so that old forms can be liberated, and new forms may come into manifestation.

Shiva Nataraja's dance is the dance of subatomic matter.

The actual state of Nataraj is found in the realm of Ain Soph, one of the three aspects of the Void. It expresses itself in human affairs as a creative ray, but the first effect of the first ray is to "burn off" any existing status quo.

The dance manifests the 5 principles of eternal energy -
creation, destruction, preservation, salvation, and illusion.

The cosmic dance of Shiva Nataraja is Ananda Tandava,
the Dance of Bliss.


Shiva, as the essential warrior prototype, is often symbolized by a Trident.

The Legend

In the beginning were roaring horizons, tempestuous winds, turbulent oceans, rocking mountains, and moving earth. But, then emerged Shiva - the primal cosmic being, with his little drum. He played on it and danced, and the beats of his drum and the movement of his feet re-cast the wild skies and violent waters. Unruly sounds were set to syllabic discipline. Cosmic disorder was arranged into ordered movement.

Tandava was the dance of absolute bliss. After the previous Great Age ended and dissolution became imperative, Shiva in his Nataraj mode destroyed all form, yet remained alone to effect the re-birth of life, as he danced in absolute bliss over the head of dissolution, the demon of darkness, which prevailed after dissolution.


This ashram may be alternately viewed or administered from the feminine viewpoint of Kali, the consort of Shiva, who is known as the Destroyer of Illusion.

.. . .


One glance of the Eye of Shiva is sufficient to destroy a universe.

One glance from a Mahachohan is sufficient to transform a mortal person.




. see: Legends of Shiva and Kali
see also: "Shivatmadarshana"
see also: U.G. Krishamurti, The Natural State
see also: "Dzogchen"




. In order to fulfill the goal of this ashram ...


This cubit 1.1, The Point, must equilibrate with 7.7, the Neophyte.
This will connect
Circuit 1.1/7.7,
wherein "the Void absorbs Malkuth, and Malkuth sublimates into the Void,"
.which is The Beginning, and The Accomplishment, of the Great Work.
.This is the Base of Dzogchen.




1.2 Overlord . . . Kether ... Atma

This is the ashram of the archetypal Ruler who, from his "Seat in the East," rules over ~2000-year eras known as Aeons.

The current Aeon started around 1904,
and there's a 250-year transition period.

Today, this ruler is typified by Ra-Hoor-Khuit (Re-herakhty) who told us,
."Let it be first understood that I am a god of War and of Vengeance."

So Ra-Hoor should assume his ascendency around 2029.

The Aeon of Horus (Ra-Hoor) is foretold to be a time of terrible combat.



As influenced by the first ray,
and at a first glance,
this cubit seems to be the cauldron of calamity


However, this is the home of Atma, the Universal Self,
in its pure form, pre-existing before duality

The Atman transcends minor distortions such as Aeons,
even as a person should transcend Blue Mondays, Black Fridays,
and the Holy Sabbath



. .

Atmadarshana is "The Vision of God, face-to-face."


Atma, the Overlord at Kether, is symbolized by Hadit, the winged globe, who tells us,

"In the sphere I am everywhere the center."




. see: Liber AL vel Legis
see also: "Atmadarshana"




. In order to fulfill the goal of this ashram ...


This cubit 1.2, The Overlord, must equilibrate with 7.6, the Sorcerer.
This will connect
Circuit 1.2/7.6,
wherein the highest "I Am" consciousness renders personal desire obsolete.
.This is the transmutation of astral glamour.



1.3 Warlord . . Chokmah . . Coup-de-Etat, et cetera


This is the ashram of the Shogun who initiates transitions from one political or cultural reality to another.

This is the archetype of the Conqueror.

He is the right hand of Atma.

He lays down the Law.


Successful conquerors of historical note include:
Alexander the Great, Emperor Chin of China, Genghis Khan, Muhammad, Mao Tse-tung, etc:



Unsuccessful conquerors (who yet influenced history) include:
Adolph of Austria, Napoleon of France, Tojo of Japan, etc:


Of course, sometimes corresponding, conquering heroes arise from within this same ashram in order to strike a balance:

. .
. . . . . . . . . .Patton . . . . . . . . . . . . MacArthur . . . . . . . . . . . . Eisenhower . .

Sometimes you just have to be aggressive in order to defend yourself.




. see: Biography of Ghengis Khan
see also: Patton - the movie
see also: Sun Tzu, The Art of War




. In order to fulfill the goal of this ashram ...

Cast away all lesser thoughts and deeds, and return to the primary task.
You have no right but to do your Will!

This cubit 1.3, The Warlord, must equilibrate with 7.5, the Adept.
This will connect
Circuit 1.3/7.5,
wherein the Atmic yang overshadows and conquers
the Mind of the initiate of the Inner Order.
Atu VII.- The Chariot.- is part of this Circuit



1.4 Crown . . .The Boss

This ashram is the throne room of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) in any sovereign, independent, national, regional, local, tribal, or group system.

Central figures are Kings, Queens, Pharaohs, Khans, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Despots, Popes, Chairmen, Chiefs, etc.

Sometimes the central figure is just a figurehead. In such a case, simply poke around in the dark to find out who is really the boss!

Historical central figures include George Washington, King Arthur, Solomon the Wise,
Ramses the Great
, King David, Julius Caesar, The Shah of Iran, Saddam Hussein, etc:

. . .

And let's not forget the ladies:


Central figures are elected, appointed, drafted, or successors by birth, etc.
Sometimes they first need to manifest as a Warlord 1.3 in order to get their foot in the door.

This cubit is not truly represented unless the Boss is making decisions based on Intuitive Flow, and not by force of will or mental conjuration.

Central figures are always subject to being overthrown by a Warlord 1.3,
by the people, or by an assassin.




. see: The Ten Commandments - the movie
see also: Biography of Ramses the Great
see also: The eighth, quantum, neurocircuit




. In order to fulfill the goal of this ashram ...

Realize that a ruler's life and possessions are not his (or her) own.

This cubit 1.4, The Crown, must equilibrate with 7.4, the Magister.
This will connect
Circuit 1.4/7.4,
wherein the Boss resides in the City of the Pyramids.
.Cultures and civilizations gain true direction in harmony with the Divine Plan.



1.5 Council . . . Group Consciousness

When various executive councils, and their appointed councilors, are synced with causal consciousness, then (and only then) the Establishment can occupy this ashram.

Councils include Senates, Houses, Parliaments, religious councils, homeowner associations, special interest groups, unions, advisory boards, and (on the dark side) criminal gangs.

Councilors include Senators, Representatives, Ministers, Reverends, Cardinals, Barons, Electors, Members, Secretaries, Jurors, etc.

These are groups that make decisions,
which then influence public opinion and
the general perception of "reality."

Being situated at a abstract mental level, this ashram is governed by high-minded altruism, but is subject to shameless corruption.

In cases of corruption, any councilor or committee is
automatically downgraded to the status of cubit 1.6, Bureau.

Special interest without public benefit is the work of the fragmentary underworld of the black lodge.


Group decisions are ideally made by individuals
who consult with their Bosses.

.The Galactic Federation.




. see: The One and Only True Inner Order
see also: The Causal Plane
see also: The 5th, holistic, neurocircuit




. In order to fulfill the goal of this ashram ...

Lean towards the greatest good.

This cubit 1.5, the Council, must equilibrate with 7.3, the Magus.
This will connect
Circuit 1.5/7.3,
wherein legislators seek to work in harmony with Cosmic Will.
.This is responsible government.



1.6 Bureau. . . Paperpushers and Beancounters

This ashram supports the assorted agencies, divisions, groups, bureaus, and boards who administer the Establishment.

This is civil and military service, often entered because of long-term health and retirement benefits.

Included are overt and covert government agencies, and (on the dark side) the deep state units, who specialize in assassination.

These are the bureaucracies that endure beyond any given nepotism or assorted, elected leaders.

Bureaus are composed (in seemingly equal numbers) of idealistic, industrious workers and selfish, petty tyrants, both classes being collectively classified here as bureaucrats.

These bureaucratic agencies are are often identified by acronyms, such as

Professional and Fraternal associations also attempt to duplicate
this cubit with group structures and assorted outer orders.

Historical, clandestine-type, first ray bureaus included the Knights Templar, the Chinese Triads,
the Bavarian Illuminati, the Saracen, the Founding Fathers of The United States, etc.

Some individuals worked their way up from here to 1.3, Warlord.
This ashram offers ample opportunity for advancement.

Bureaus are located on the personal, astral plane
This is a congested, competitive zone
.This ashram is a complex, mental-emotional (kama-manas) system of organizing civilization and cultures, under threat of penalties to be imposed for non-compliance, with a strong anger component due to a tendency to invariably develop illogical processes.




. see: Legal statutes, laws, rules & regulations
see also: "Organizing your paperwork"
see also: "Render unto Ceasar ..."
see also: Psychic Self-defense




. In order to fulfill the goal of this ashram ...

To avoid penalties and interest, complete all required paperwork on time.

This cubit 1.6, The Bureau, must equilibrate with 7.2, the Avatar.
This will connect
Circuit 1.6/7.2,
wherein society is administered in favor of free individualism.
.This is the recognition of the sovereignty of each person.



1.7 Badge . . . The Enforcer

This is the individual embodiment of the Establishment's right to rule.

It is symbolized by a shield or a star.

These are physical plane officer-guardians of the Establishment.

The higher aspects of this ashram include any law enforcement officer, investigator, inspector, clandestine agent, correctional officer, or the individual military person.

The lower, degenerated aspect of this ashram is composed of criminals, including terrorists and renegade law enforcement agents.

Auspiciously, a neutral harmony without conflict.

Inauspiciously, a one-on-one confrontation.





. see: All laws and rules governing your zone
see also: Dirty Harry - the movie
see also: Martial Arts





. In order to fulfill the goal of this ashram ...

When solving deviant problems, promote neutral harmony without conflict.

This cubit 1.7, the Badge, must equilibrate with 7.1, the Lodge.
This will connect
Circuit 1.7/7.1,
wherein the individual regulator acts under impress from the Great White Lodge.
.This is benevolent enforcement of universal organization.





The first ray gives rise to Hinduism
whose lingam-style temples resemble ancient skyscrapers.

. . . . . . . .
...................................................................................................................................................... And then there's the modern (^) version

.And then there's the skyscraper city version ...

.Skyscrapers in India.

Architectural . Sub-level . . . .


.Go to the Second Ray.




