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Council 4
The Fourth Ray of Harmony &Beauty, Conflict & Art
Artistic Struggle

This Council governs psychology, art, mediation, herbology,
and the organized social professions, such as
Shamanism, Psychology, Justice,
which are classified under the White Unicorn title: Harmonia

This column is primarily presented in Psychological and Shamanic formats


.Swing Low, Sweet Chariot.

The Fourth Council is technically called Harmony through Conflict,
implying that there is a struggle, either internally or externally,
which must be resolved in order to maintain to a balanced state.

This balanced state is known as Harmony, and it is the source of the manifestation of Beauty.

Members of this council always battle their way uphill. Shrubs may be angrily bent aside, but only in order to improve the path. Encounters with others are often quarrelsome and combative.

In some inexplicable way, each conflict serves to resolve duality into harmony or to reveal some small facet of beauty.

Inner conflicts rage with a similar intensity, but resolution of these opposites will transform the internal discord into a melody.

This concept and this council typify humanity, the fourth creative hierarchy, which is currently composed mostly of individual units, with each one living inside their own box-like "reality."


Psychologists and Artists who work along the fourth council lines bring beauty and symmetry into their work, and automatically include sacred geometry in their designs without being consciously aware of doing so.



Council number 4 is governed by the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict.

This ray displays a copper-orange color as it descends through the causal aura onto the crown of the head in those who incarnate under its influence. When raised to its highest state, it is mixed with white and the result is a bronze-gold color that indicates an advanced intuitive capacity.

Among individuals, this is a common ray. It produces counselors, coordinators and artists. Due to the inherent concept of conflict, we have coined the term, "struggling artist."

The ashrams of the fourth council give rise to groups, concepts, and practitioners who are dedicated to resolving conflict within humanity.

These practitioners also regularly display artistic talent and they strive to bring beauty to the world.

Fourth ray people often experience difficulties in the first half of their life. This is to teach them to find their inner source of truth and harmony. They can get lost in melodrama and mood swings at any point in their life.

But as they learn to find their way more quickly back to center, they often become advisors for others who automatically recognize their sense of inner peace.

In tgovernment circles, this ray represents the higher Judicial system,
as operated by its Supreme Court.

The ceremonial structure of the judicial system is found in the seventh ray,
but the high judge is weighing the fourth ray.

4.1 Archetype . . . The Universal Prototypes

This ashram maintains the original patterns or primary prototypes of various imprints shared by the consciousness of all humans.

These are the so-called sacred symbols of the collective unconscious.

They present a wide variety of interactive images that depict universal processes, procedures, and states of being.


Each archetype is an image in the consciousness of the Logos, which holds the potential to be the source of various ways of interpreting reality and causing change to occur.

Although the perceived image may vary with time, place, and culture, the underlying concept and its impact remain constant.

According to Carl Jung, archetypes are innate, universal, psychic dispositions that form the substrate from which the basic themes of human life emerge. Being universal and innate, their influence can be detected in the myths, symbols, rituals, and instincts of human beings.

Archetypes heavily influence the human life cycle, propelling a neurologically hard-wired sequence that Jung called The Stages of Life. Each stage is influenced by a new set of archetypal imperatives that seek fulfillment in action. These may include being parented, initiation, independence, courtship, marriage, parenting, mid-life crisis, eldership, and preparation for death.

The archetypes themselves are relatively few. But multiple, innate, indistinct forms, arise from them in innumerable images, symbols, and patterns of behavior.

The emerging images and forms are consciously perceived, but the archetypes that produce them are unconscious and much harder to apprehend.




. see: Carl Jung, Man and His Symbols
see also: Carl Jung, Flying Saucers
see also: "Collective Unconscious"




. In order to fulfill the goal of this ashram ...

Realize that Archetypes are sentient and live in their own universe..

This cubit 4.1, Archetype, must equilibrate with 4.7, the Arbitrator.
This will connect
Circuit 4.1/4.7,
wherein the resolution of conflict is accomplished by considering
the primal forces involved.
.This is the application of The Wisdom of Solomon.


4.2 .Lineage . . . Lines of Transmission

This ashram holds the essence of the primary schools of thought, and actions that may arise from one or more archetypes, and which persist through time.

Lineages are often defined as being derived from an ancient culture, such as Atlantean, Mesopotamian, Aegyptian, Chinese, Tibetan, Hindu, Celtic, Incan, Mayan, North American Indian, etc, etc.

But they can also be derived from an ancient animal, object, or symbol, such as birdman, holy cow, reptile, deer, wise owl, sun, fire, moon, star, and so-forth.


The leader of the 4th Council is said to be the Chohan Serapis Bey.

It is thought that he was a high priest in an Atlantean Temple of the Sacred Fire who migrated to Egypt, that he was the Aegyptian pharaoh Amenhotep III, and that he was Leonidas, the King of Sparta who was killed in 480 BC while defending Greece against the invasion of the Persian Emperor Xerxes.

.Notice of Potential Misapprehension
.All names assigned to any of these lofty positions are indicative and personified, but not necessarily the truth of the matter.
.It is the state that these luminaries are associated with that matters. The names and personalities are subject to glamour.




Each school of thought or lineage exhibits specific characteristics, teaches certain meanings,
and exhibits unique powers and symbols.

On occasion, some schools will fall into conflict with each other over their indoctrination, ideas, and ideals.

Then they tend to disagree, cry out insults, and start wars.

. . . . Infidel!




. see: Frater O.M., One Star in Sight
see also: Alice Bailey, Initiation Human & Solar




. In order to fulfill the goal of this ashram ...

Remember that all lineages are traditions derived from ashram 1.1 - The Point,
and are modified by specific Archetypes found in cubit 4.1.

This cubit 4.2, Lineage, must equilibrate with 4.6, the Medicine Man.
This will connect
Circuit 4.2/4.6,
wherein inherited wisdom activates intrinsic healing forces.
.This is the basis of natural healing.


4.3 Shaman . . . The Guardian and Guide

The spiritual guide of a group, culture, or tribe finds his or her home in this ashram.

.These are the officer-guardians of group consciousness. and they administer changing reality for their people.

The Shaman is able to transit from one reality to another.

"The" Shaman is a single, individual, tribal official.

"A Shaman (in modern terms) is often described as any indigenous healer - a rather misleading definition.

The title, Shaman, originated with the spiritual leaders of tribes in Siberia. Today, the term is indiscriminately applied to any ethnic "medicine man."

A Shaman enters an alternate reality on behalf of his or her client in order to cause a cure or lift a curse.

If he or she doesn't do this (and merely offers ceremonies and herbs),
then he or she is not working out of this ashram.

Ancient tribes had 3 officers: A Chief [see council 1], a Medicine Man [see 4.6, below] who dealt with ordinary reality, and a Shaman who dealt with non-ordinary reality.

Most Lineages and religions have a supreme spiritual practitioner.
He or she might be known as a Pope, a Dalai Lama, or an Ayatollah.
In martial arts, the term O-Sensei is used.




. see: Carl Jung, Man and His Symbols
see also: Carl Jung, Flying Saucers
see also: "Collective Unconscious"




. In order to fulfill the goal of this ashram ...

Adjust reality in the proper place and the correct time at the relevant level and depth of being..

This cubit 4.3, The Shaman, must equilibrate with cubit 4.5, The Psychotherapist.
This will connect
Circuit 4.3/4.5,
wherein other dimensions reveal themselves in order to promote balance.
.This is the basis of psychology.


4.4 Center Link. . . Grand Central Station

This is the central figure or reference point in any undertaking.

In a group, this is the Operator (Operations Officer).

In an individual, it is the integrating center of consciousness
(the Assemblage Point).

This cubit eceives and transmits input-output signals on many planes, simultaneously.

"Multi-tasking in a busy environment."

This is the BIOS (basic input-output system) in a computer system.

Fair Warning
.This is not a mental operation,
so don't get the wrong idea.
.This is Binah, the realm of Intuition.
.The absence of an operating mind is required here
in order to function properly.

This is the central ashram, the Solar Lodge of the Great White Brotherhood,
and all those other lineages. It is the center column and the middle row of the 7x7 Grid.
.This is humanity itself operating with full intuition and understanding.
It is 4.4 - the nameless process of a thousand names:


Solar Angel




. see: Ken Wiber, A Brief History of Everything
see also: Switchboard
see also: "Intuition"




. In order to fulfill the goal of this ashram ...

Allow all figures, archetypes, and concepts to form an integrated, working hologram.

This cubit 4.4, Center Link, must equilibrate with itself,
in order to l
ink any other two cubits.
This will connect
Circuit 4.4/4.4,
wherein all available energy is re-directed to its complimentary destination.

This ashram is unique in that it does not contain a pre-determined Circuit.
It is able to connect undefined
Circuits for itself and others.
This is the Megatron's only "wild card."

.This is the understanding of Intuition.



4.5 Psychotherapy . . . Psychic Order and Disorder

Psychotherapy means "Treatment of the Soul."

In the original Greek,
from which our medical terms derive,
the word Psyche means "Soul."

Today, in psychology and psychiatry, the prefix Psych- is used to signify "mind,"
which is not the same thing as "soul,"
although there is a connection.

Note that the term, psycho, by itself,
now means "crazy" or "insane."



Psychotherapy is nothing less than the evocation and control of one's repressed or inherited demons.

Demons are unharmonized, rsubconscious complexes, usually acquired in childhood ...

... or carried over from ancestors, or "that other time."






. see: Carl Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections
see also:
see also: "Evocation"







. In order to fulfill the goal of this ashram ...

All subconscious complexes must be examined and cleared before liberation can be sustained.

This cubit 4.5, The Psychotherapist, must equilibrate with 4.3, The Shaman.
This will connect
Circuit 4.5/4.3,
wherein the clearing of demons is directed by spiritual insight and skill.
.This is the process of exorcism.


4.6 Medicine Man . . . The Natural Doctor

This ashram is the office of the primary healthcare practitioner of a group, culture, or tribe.

Here we find the officer-guardian of a group's social consciousness and stable well-being.

The Medicine Man draws upon knowledge that is found in present reality.

"The" Medicine Man is a single, tribal or group official.

In modern terms, a Medicine Man is usually any indigenous healer, and is often confused with a Shaman.

Remember, ancient tribes had three officers:

A Chief - the executive, political leader
A Shaman - who dealt with non-ordinary reality
A Medicine Man - who dealt with ordinary reality





. see: Mrs Grieve, A Modern Herbal
see also: Jake Fratkin, Chinese Herbal Patent Medicines
see also: "Curandera"




. In order to fulfill the goal of this ashram ...

Physician, heal thyself!. If that doesn't work, then visit the witch doctor!

This cubit 4.6, The Medicine Man, must equilibrate with 4.2, The Lineage.
This will connect
Circuit 4.6/4.2,
wherein the natural prescriber inherits ancestral skill,
and the mental counselor calls upon inherited wisdom.
.This is the process of mental correction and emotional healing.


4.7 The Arbitrator . . . Equilibration

This ashram is home to the mediator, the counselor of differing opinions, the judge.

As an officer of group harmony, the Arbitrator resolves conflicts.

An Arbitrator may act informally, or decisions may carry the weight of Law if he or she is duly appointed by the Establishment or tribe.

Arbitrators may work in the field, in an office, or in a courtroom.


. .




. see: The constitution of your country
see also: The Laws of your State or Province
see also: "Judgement Hall of Ma'at"




. In order to fulfill the goal of this ashram ...

Equilibrium is the resolution of the strife of contending forces.

This cubit 4.7, The Arbitrator, must equilibrate with 4.1, Archetype.
This will connect
Circuit 4.7/4.1,
wherein the judge in any matter calls upon archetypal insight.
.This is the process of cosmic justice applied on the physical plane.




The fourth ray endowed Ancient Aegypt
whose four-square ashrams
came to a point.


Architectural . Sub-level . . . .


.Go to the Fifth Ray.




