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Council 6
The Sixth Ray of Devotion
.Abstract Idealism.

This Council governs devotion, love, devotees, disciples,
and the organized religious traditions, such as
Guru Yoga, Christianity, Islam,
which are classified under the White Unicorn title: Graceland

This column is primarily presented in a Guru Yoga format

. .
.Ecstatic Enthusiasm.

This Council is unique in its relation to Christianity, Guru Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Islam, and the Astral Plane.

Bhakti is a Sanskrit word that means devotion, and Yoga means union.
At higher levels, a union with the primordial consciousness (God, Christ, Allah, Atma, or Adi, et al)
is sought through devotion.

At lower levels, a union with the guru or a divine personality such as Jesus, Mary or Muhammad
Peace and blessings be upon his name -
et al, is sought through devotion.

The Astral Plane is the sixth plane, and this Council synchronizes with the sixth sub-plane of all the seven planes.


Council number 6 is governed by the sixth ray of Devotion and Abstract Idealism.

This ray displays a pink color as it descends through the causal aura onto the crown of the head in those who incarnate under its influence.

Among individuals, this is a very common ray. It gives rise to the devotee and the person who finds their emotions and feelings to be of paramount importance.

The special qualities of the sixth ray include transcendent idealism, intense devotion, and self-sacrificial ardor. In general, these are very nice people, but when aroused into an argumentive mood, they resort to that terrifying quality: The Berserk!
.Please refer to Jesus and the Money-changers in the Temple ...

Many missionaries, idealized lawyers, public servants, sociologists, blue collar workers, farmers, and devoted business people are influenced by this ray.



6.1 Mahachohan . . . The Supreme Guru

This ashram is reached via the seventh Transhimalayan Initiation, correlating to the Logoic (Adi) plane and Ain Soph Aur of the Tree of Life. This is called the mahachohan initiation.

The leader of the 3rd Council is found as
The Mahachohan, The Lord of Civilization.

Here in the 6th Council, we examine the process known as
the Mahachohan initiation.

The former (The Mahachohan at Council 3) is an "Officer" position,
but this present cubit (6.1, a mahachohan) is a "Level of Consciousness" - one that has been attained only by a small number of human beings.

.The esoteric literature from a century ago said that The Mahachohan was a Venusian (see portrait).
Then we heard that he had been replaced by a human being, the Count of Saint Germain. Some schools of thought name other people as holding the Chohan and Mahachohan positions.

Be Aware of Personal Attributions
.All names assigned to any of these lofty positions are indicative and personified,
but not necessarily the truth of the matter.
.It is the state that these luminaries are associated with that matters.
The names and personalities are subject to glamour.

Setting aside all these political ambitions and attributions, designation of this Level of Consciousness is reserved for The Supreme Guru in the hierarchy of the the Gurus and their Disciples of Devotion.




see: Legends of Prophets who had Disciples
see also: Transhimalayan White Brotherhood
see also: "Bible," "Quran," "Book of Mormon," "Bhagavad Gita"




. In order to fulfill the goal of this ashram ...

Maintain primordial consciousness.

This cubit 6.1, the Mahachohan, must equilibrate with 2.7, the Healer.
This will connect
Circuit 6.1/2.7,
wherein Primordial Consciousness overshadows the physical plane healing process.
.This is the concept of miraculous healing.


6.2 .Chohan. . . Ray Lord

This ashram is the office of the administrative officer of the sixth Transhimalayan Initiation, correlating to Kether of The Tree of Life.

The western Great White Brotherhood has been known to call this grade, Ipsissimus.

There are seven Chohans, or Ray Lords, and each is responsible for transmitting one of the seven rays.

Of course, these are simply the seven known "Ray Lords." There are a few additional Chohans (perhaps many), who are unproclaimed and unknown to the public or even to the general body of initiates.

The Chohan has access to extra-planetary levels of consciousness; which is to say, his or her awareness is capable of expanding beyond the Earth's ring-pass-not.


The leader of the 6th Council is the Master Jesus,
who has lately been known as Sananda.

Jesus is believed to have been a high priest in the Order of Melchizedek and was overshadowed during His life by Lord Maitreya.

According to Alice Bailey, the Master Jesus was previously incarnated as Joshua, the Hebrew military leader of the 13th century BC, and Joshua the High Priest in the 6th century BC.

Fair Notice
.All names assigned to any of these lofty positions are indicative and personified, but not necessarily the truth of the matter.
.It is the state that these luminaries are associated with that matters.
The names and personalities are subject to glamour.

.Theosophists and those adherent to the Ascended Master Teachings both state that the Master Jesus underwent the fourth level of initiation (the Crucifixion) upon his death in Jerusalem. According to Alice A. Bailey, most people undergoing the fourth initiation experience the crucifixion as a symbolic event, but for Jesus, it was literal.

Some authors, such as C.W. Leadbeater and Alice A. Bailey, have written that Jesus lived as Apollonius of Tyana after his incarnation as Jesus of Nazareth. It is believed that he attained the fifth level of initiation (the resurrection) when he became an Ascended Master at the end of his life as Apollonius.





Ramana Maharshi was a well-known, modern exponent of this 6.2 expression.





see: "Ipsissimus"
see also: Alice Bailey, The Rays and the Initiations
see also: Ramana Maharshi, Who Am I?




. In order to fulfill the goal of this ashram ...

To thine own Lord or Lady be true!

This cubit 6.2, the Ray Lord, must equilibrate with 2.6, the Abbot.
This will connect
Circuit 6.2/2.6,
wherein the Crown imforms the leader of even a small group.
.This is the basis of unity within diversity.


6.3 .Sat Guru. . . "True" Guru

A Sat Guru (satguru or sadguru) is a "True" guru. He or she should not be confused with other types of gurus such as instructors of basic spiritual practices, scriptural teachings, music, computers, etc.

The satguru is an enlightened rishi or saint whose purpose is to guide advanced initiates on the spiritual path, the accomplishment of which is the apprehension of Truth through realization of the True Self.

. .
.Sat Guru claims made by young, gaudily-attired men are suspicious.

The highest form of teaching ...

... is the simple way of attaining the Sat Guru's state through directness that includes neither rites nor ceremonies.

... does not include closing the doors for secret meetings, nor holding the breath
(in pranayama), nor renouncing the world.

... induces a perception of the Supreme Spirit wherever the mind attaches itself.

... teaches you to be still in the midst of all your activities.




see: Legends of Maha Gurus
see also: "Direct Transmission"
see also: "Milarepa




. In order to fulfill the goal of this ashram ...

Keep the spirit of union in the midst of all enjoyment and difficulty.

This cubit 6.3, Sat guru, must equilibrate with 2.5, The Link.
This will connect
Circuit 6.3/2.5,
wherein Atma overshadows the transfigured Sannyasi.
.This is the basis of liberation.


6.4 Guru. . . Light and Dark

This ashram is composed of Masters of Samadhi.

This is a teacher of devoted students. He or she can often be found as the head of an Ashram (which can be any cubit.).

Remember that an Ashram is actually not a place (although this is the common usage). It is the quality and scope of the field of energetic influence of a Guru.

There are thousands of teachers who use the title Guru. Guess what? Many of them are either disillusioned or purposeful fakirs.

Guru Yoga

Guru Yoga is a form of Bhakti Yoga, wherein the devotee assigns his consciousness to the devotion of his or her Guru ("Master" or "Teacher").

A Guru might be the practitioner's actual, physical teacher, or may be a historical master of the spiritual art. Some western students choose to be devoted to a (so-called) "ascended master" like Saint Germain, Jesus, or the Master Morya.

In some applications, the devotee creates a mental image of the Guru through dharana ("concentration"), and places it in a special compartment that is located high in his or her own heart chakra.

Constant devotion to this image is intended to bring about a state of dhyana (meditation) or "oneness" with the Guru, thus transmitting the consciousness of the teacher to the practitioner by overshadowing or by direct union.

The term, Guru, does not really mean "teacher." That is just the common translation.

Gu-ru means "Light and Dark."




see: Swami Vivekananda
see also: Jiddu Krishnamurti
see also: Paramahansa Yogananda




. In order to fulfill the goal of this ashram ...

Lay back into samadhi each day.

This cubit 6.4, The Guru, must equilibrate with 2.4, The System.
This will connect
Circuit 6.4/2.4,
wherein the Guru gives life to the prototype of teaching.
.This is the basis of effective, ceremonial work.


6.5 Dhyana . . . Meditation

This is the ashram of the Advanced Yogi, Yogini, or Devotee.

Dhyana means "meditation." It is "the fusion of object and subject."

Success in Meditation is often accompanied by a light, a sound, and an absence of self-awareness known as ego-loss.

To attain this state, one must first demonstrate a one-pointed mental focus (dharana). In the case of Guru Yoga, the Guru is the focal point.


Dhyana is actually a "result." The "ego loss" is usually accompanied by a clicking or popping sound and a flash of light. These are audio-visual enhancements of the collapse of the "ego bubble."

There are no practical techniques for inducing dhyana except for the continual performance of dharana (concentration).

Many yoga pundits proclaim that dhyana is not describable (as it is beyond time and space and all that).

They then proceed to fill up several pages of description.



Dhyana is the foundation of the Sadhu.

A Sadhu is a practitioner who has given up pursuit of the first three goals of life:
kama (desire), artha (objectives) and even dharma (duty).
The Sadhu is solely dedicated to achieving liberation through meditation.

Sadhus are considered to be dead unto themselves and are legally deceased in India.
They may be required to attend their own funeral ritual before entering this advanced path,
which is called The Way of Higher Evolution.




see: Perdurabo, Eight Lectures on Yoga
see also: Adeptus
see also: Sannyasin




. In order to fulfill the goal of this ashram ...

Lose yourself in dhyana each day.

This cubit 6.5, Dhyana, must equilibrate with 2.3, Wang.
This will connect
Circuit 6.5/2.3,
wherein true meditation polarizes the transformation of others.
.This is the secret of empowerment.


6.6 Yogi . . . The Adherent

This is the ashram of the Intermediate Yogi, Yogini, or Devotee.

Here, one performs pranayama (breath control), pratyahara (introspection and sublimation), dharana (mental concentration), recites mantras or prayers, and sings bhajans.

Yoga means "union," which implies union with higher consciousness.

There are many forms of yoga: Raja yoga, Hatha yoga, Bhakti yoga, Jnana yoga, Karma yoga, Kriya yoga, Agni yoga, Guru yoga, Kundalini yoga, Tantra yoga, and Mantra yoga.

When Siddhis (magical powers) become available, the yogi is warned not to utilize them.




see: The Outer Order
see also: Perdurabo, Book Four, Part I
see also: Liber XIII - A Syllabus of the Steps upon the Path




. In order to fulfill the goal of this ashram ...

Lose yourself in dharana each day.

This cubit 6.6, the Yogi, must equilibrate with 2.2, the Matrix.
This will connect
Circuit 6.6/2.2,
wherein the personality invokes the divine plan.
.This is the basis of alignment.



6.7 The Devotee . . . Discipleship

This is the ashram of the beginning yogi or yogini, or a novice devotee of any sacred persona, such as Jesus, Krishna, Mary, Shiva, Christ, Tara, Hawk, the Guru, the Holy Guardian Angel, Ma'at, Medicine Buddha, Owl, Sai Baba, etc..

This devotion is usually accompanied by practices in asana (control of posture) and yama/niyama (moral virtue and ethical restraint), along with various mantras, affirmations, pujas (ceremonies), prayers, and/or symbols.

An individual can be devoted to one of many things: A church, a teacher, a concept, a school of thought, a philosophy, a god, a prophet, or a particular mode of expression.

Bhakti Yoga

Bhakti is a Sanskrit word that means devotion. For Hindus, this word is used to signify devotion to a deity or an aspect of God.

Bhakti Yoga is described in the Bhagavad Gita, where it is depicted as the supreme form of divine expression for which all other practices should be discarded.

The word Bhakti comes from the root Bhaj, which means "to be attached to God." There is neither selfish expectation nor fear involved.

The devotee simply feels, believes, and directly experiences his deity to be an Ocean of Love.

There is no bargaining or the seeking of any rewards..The result is indescribable.
It simply and sincerely must be experienced by the devotee.





see: "Dedicated"
see also: Mother Teresa
see also: Wilfred Talbot Smith





. In order to fulfill the goal of this ashram ...

Daily devotion will develop into Unconditional Love.

This cubit 6.7, the Devotee, must equilibrate with 2.1, the Star.
This will connect
Circuit 6.7/2.1,
wherein the disciple sees The Bodhisattva.
.This is the Star of Bethlehem.




The sixth ray oversees Guru Yoga
and Christianity
the ashrams of devotional worship


. .. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . ...Note the Aegyptian Obelisk in St. Peter's Square

.Architectural . Sub-level . . . .


.Go to the Seventh Ray.




